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On September 16th, Christian – Head of Solutions at CARUSO – wakes up, has a quick coffee, and off he goes. An exciting trip is marked in his calendar. This time, CARUSO together with Harald Stoll and David Wiatr from Porsche Zentrum Würzburg, and Thomas Körzdörfer from HUK-COBURG will do the final test to see how connected car data from Porsche AG flows end to end.

At the Porsche Center in Würzburg, the engine of the all-electric Porsche Taycan quietly waits for its big moment. The test drive starts. Immediately, data is flowing and the consent process works smoothly. Via the CARUSO data terminal, Christian checks if the data delivery works as expected and yes, it does! Fleet and private data transmission works like a charme. HUK, as a forward-thinking insurance company, knows that with connected car data, they can provide better services to their customers and make their lives easier. What a great collaboration. And we can’t wait for more real-life impressions.

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CARUSO on the Road with Porsche and HUK_V3
CARUSO on the Road with Porsche and HUK_V2